You can even hide the Options away to have a wider workspace. MarsEdit wants you to focus on writing, so it keeps the interface clean with less buttons or any other distractions.This means MarsEdit is accessible to almost every blogger on a Mac. MarsEdit supports many blogs such as WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Squarespace, TypePad, Movable Type and dozens more through standard MetaWeblog and AtomPub interfaces.You can quickly write a New Post or Edit an existing post/draft via the Toolbar (on the top). If you click on any of the posts or drafts, an instant preview can be seen at the bottom of the application window. Once you set-up your blog at MarsEdit (very simple and straightforward process), you can see all your current live posts and the MarsEdit local drafts from the start-up window: MarsEdit 3, a desktop blog editing for the Mac, allows you to write, preview, and publish your masterpiece to your blog easily. It’s not the same and it still lacks a few features here and there, but it’s close and if you haven’t been blogging in Windows Live Writer before, you’d definitely love MarsEdit as your primary tool for writing posts.

MarsEdit is a good Windows Live Writer alternative and increases your productivity compared to blogging on your blog’s dashboard.

Microsoft Windows Live Writer truly is the best blogging software for the Windows platform (I wrote on why you should blog with Windows Live Writer at Nuffnang’s blog last year).
Windows live writer for mac for mac#
Ever since I got my MacBook Air, one of the first few applications I searched for was a Windows Live Writer alternative for Mac OS.